Are you Airbnb Ready? Step Three: The Look

How does your property look – you know, does it have a theme? Some houses have special themes, such as beach house, eclectic, vintage etc. Or is it the colour that sets the theme? Whatever it is, good on you for taking the time and the energy to devise your theme.
Theme aside, you might like to think about the following:
- It’s ok to have a bit of quirky such as mismatched crockery, but no chipped, scratched or broken crockery as this is a health hazard and looks tacky.
- Make sure there are enough power points or alternative, extension cords. We all love our electronic devices and they need to be charged up, especially when on holidays.
- Think about what appliances you would like if you were using the property for a stay and remove those that you have never used. This will give you more cupboard space.
- Check the furniture and make sure it is safe. If there are any broken or partly fixed pieces, remove them so guests do not have the option to hurt themselves and damage the furniture even more.
- Sugar soap the walls. I never knew how dirty my walls were until I did this! It’s amazing and puts a freshness back into the property.
- Touch up any obvious imperfections in the paintwork, such as when you decided to hang a picture using a stick on hook and it didn’t quite work so when you removed the hook, paintwork came off with it. Time to patch this one up!
- Buy some new matching bed linen, pillows and bath towels. They don’t need to be expensive and neutral colours are easily matched. Again, quirky is fine if that is the type of property you have.
Once it’s all done, enter as if you are the guest and wonder around. How does it make you feel? Would you like to stay here for a breakaway? If it makes you feel comfortable and happy, then you’ve got a winner!