Are you Airbnb Ready? Step Six: Your Guests

Sometimes guests arrive at a time that is difficult for you to agree to but this should be sorted well before they arrive. Ensure that contact details are exchanged just in case your arrangements cannot be met by either party. You might decide that you are not interested in meeting the guests and set up an automatic checkin.
Remember that meeting guests has its advantages such as making sure they are who they say they are, showing them the features of the property and going through the rules (because who likes to read the Rules….). Also, when meeting guests, it gives them the opportunity to ask a few questions as well. They can then put a face to a name and the experience is more personalised. If they enjoy the meeting and your property, they will talk about it with their friends and family and connections occur, leading to more bookings.
There will be those who do not want this and are happy to continue without ever knowing you so don’t force yourself onto the guests, it’s best to take your cue from them.
One thing to remember is that your property is not a hotel. There is no concierge, so you are their lifeline, a just in case type of person, a go to person if they do not know a single other person in the area. Are you going to say to them that you will be on call if they have an emergency? What constitutes an emergency? Having made that initial contact, this gives the guests comfort knowing that they have someone they call on if needed, so make sure they have access to your mobile number and email. 99% will probably never have the need to contact you, unless you have failed to check the appliances or have left something unsafe hanging around that causes an accident. Just make sure you leave them enough toilet paper…..